Root Canal Therapy
A root canal is a procedure that is performed to save your natural tooth. This treatment avoids the necessity of more costly procedures such as dental implants and bridge therapies.
Every tooth has one or more “tunnels” running throughout the tooth and its roots. These “tunnels”(or ‘canals’) are collectively referred to as the root canal system. In a healthy tooth, the root canal system contains a collection of nerves, blood vessels, and other tissue that serve in the development of the tooth during childhood.
Pain in a tooth typically occurs when the nerve tissue becomes damaged and inflamed. This can be caused by decay, fractures, and dental fillings or crown work. When inflammation and damage occur, pain and infection may result in the tooth.
If you experience pain, swelling, or infection due to a damaged nerve, your dentist will likely recommend root canal therapy. During this procedure, the inflamed or dying nerve is removed and the root canal system is cleaned and disinfected. A filling is placed inside the canals to seal the area. The roots of the tooth are not removed. Rather, they are cleaned out and sealed.
Having a root canal feels very similar to having a filling placed. Local anesthesia is used to anesthetize the area, and you should not experience any pain. You will be able to drive home and return to work or school if you desire.