After your root canal, it is not unusual for you to feel some tenderness in or around the tooth as your body begins to heal. This is quite natural and will resolve with time, but you shouldn’t be worried or surprised if it takes several weeks. You should prepare for these symptoms and know that there are several things you can do to assist your body with the healing process:
- Take any medications prescribed by your doctor at Florida Root Canal Specialists
- Take ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), acetaminophen (Tylenol), or naproxen (Aleve) as you are able
- Refrain from biting/chewing on your tooth until your dentist is able to place a permanent filling.
A complete report, including x-rays, will be sent to your general dentist. Your dentist will remove the temporary filling and place a permanent filling or crown. Please return to your dentist within 6 weeks of your root canal for final filling and restoration.
Additional Considerations
Your lips or tongue may feel very numb following root canal treatment. Because of this, avoid eating any food or chewing in general until the numbness has completely worn off.
Very often a temporary filling will be placed in your tooth upon completion of the root canal. These fillings are softer than permanent fillings, and are not meant for heavy chewing. These fillings may also wear unevenly with time. Please refrain from biting/chewing on your tooth until
you return to your dentist for a permanent restoration/filling.
Unless otherwise directed by your dentist, continue to brush and floss normally. It is important to your overall healing to maintain excellent oral hygiene.
When to Give Us a Call
Be sure to call our office and let us know immediately if we have prescribed a medication which is causing you to have an allergic reaction (hives, rash, or itching). Also please be sure to call if you develop visible swelling inside or outside your mouth, or if you have severe pain or pressure that lasts more than a few days. Please do not hesitate to call with any other concerns or questions.